Saturday, April 6, 2024

Reactivating My Plans

All the plans I had for the doing things in the house had to be put on hold for the last 6 months. I had to focus on my hip and knee which has improved immensely. I did think about what I want done so I can enjoy the house and have it updated for sale in the future. 

Interior Plans

I have realized that what I do inside the house has to be as such that I don't price the house out of the current market. It will be mainly painting, trim updated, new countertops, and window blinds. I need to get things ready for painters and carpenters to come and do their magic. I know I will be on a waiting list for both. That gives me time to get things ready. 

I will continue to make plans on how to decorate the rooms making as much as I can. The Christmas quilt is done and I have no plans on adding to the Christmas decor. The next items I want to make will be for January and February. I have a quilt planned but nothing else other than the dining area decor I already have. 

I am planning on buying blinds for the living room, dining room and kitchen and get rid of the curtains. I know what I want and will get help in deciding where to buy them. 

My bedroom has been put on hold as I am thinking about how I want it to look. I get stumped with this room as it needs to be quiet and peaceful for me to sleep in. The soft furnishings will be very important in that room. 

Outside Plans

As it is now spring, I am thinking about the outside. There is a plan in place for under the deck. I am going to do it with help from friends and family. Family has brought their left over ground cover and some bags of rubber mulch. I just need to get the edging bought and delivered. I hope to tackle this job in late April/early May when it is drier.

Around the house and shed needs some attention. I need to figure out a plan for that. I can get pea gravel from friends which I can use in the beds. I have to figure out the edging as I am still not happy with it. That will be next year's project. 

The hedge will be hired out this spring. I want it edged and have pea gravel put on. The edging on the road side needs to be looked at as the rain has washed away dirt from under it. Do I just keep that side edged without edging or do I have it replaced or the old edging put back in. The question of the month and I can't do anything until it is drier. We had so much rain in March everything is super wet and boggy. 

The vegetable boxes need cleaning on the outside (along with the deck) and soil needs to be added to them. I can do that myself though I will need to buy a pressure washer. I am looking at which one to buy. 

I have to say this is going to be one busy spring with health appointments and outside work. Let's hope I can do what I have planned, especially those jobs which I want to tackle.